About Travel Content Creators

It's never been easier to travel and explore the world than it is now. That's a great thing!

And with social media and digital platforms, people can share their travel experiences and inspire others. This has led to a new profession: travel content creators.

But the travel content creator landscape is mostly about content like travel tips, destination guides, hotel reviews, etc.

They're helpful for planning a trip, no doubt. And the world needs people who help with where to go, how to get there, what to do, and what to eat.

But what about things like:

  • Local traditions and customs
  • Unique cultural expressions
  • Cultural values

What about the cultures behind the places?

Our Vision

At Travel Content Creators, we want to expand what it means to be a travel content creator.

Moving beyond typical travel tips, our focus is on cultural science:

  • Sharing cultural wisdom
  • Promoting cultural exchange and understanding
  • Creating a deeper understanding for the world's diverse cultures
  • Reducing separation and increasing unity between cultures globally
  • Inspiring people to become the modern-day Marco Polos or Ibn Battutas

And our goal is not to be the biggest or the best.

But to come together as one global community. On this shared journey called Earth, individual achievements can only take us so far. But together, we can create something truly special and sustainable.

That's why Travel Content Creators is meant to be a hub for all cultures to share their knowledge and traditions with the world.

Why Cultural Science?

We believe that travel content creation shouldn't just be about showcasing the most Instagram-worthy locations.

It should be also about promoting cultural understanding and connection.

By creating content that focuses on cultural science, we hope to:

  • Break down stereotypes and prejudices, helping us appreciate diversity and understand there's no single "right" way to live
  • Help us all find common ground and build bridges between cultures, so we can understand and respect each other
  • Inspire others to have meaningful interactions with different cultures and see the world in a more holistic way
  • Give people the opportunity to experience the world deeply, even if they can't physically travel

Because at the end of the day, travel is not just about visiting new places or checking items off a bucket list.

It's about connecting with others and learning from different perspectives.

Our Approach

Through studying cultural science and content creation, we noticed a pattern:

Cultural scientists rarely share their knowledge with the public. And travel content creators often overlook cultural depth.

That's why we want to bridge that gap. And create a space where cultural science and travel content creation can come together.

That's why our approach is centered around exploring:

Cultural Heritage: It's in everything: traditional art, architecture, stories, and intergenerational traditions. But also in contemporary culture like cafes, bars, and street art. So we share stories about the everyday culture of different countries and people worldwide.

Cultural Wisdom: Mindfulness, Yoga, meditation, Qi Gong... Ancient civilizations knew a lot about living a good and fulfilled life. So we research and provide you with in-depth, interesting articles on these ideas and how to implement them in your life.

Mindful Travel: Finding a place to learn, deepen, and practice ancient teachings can be tough. So we collect and share information about the best places worldwide for learning and practicing concepts from the Cultural Wisdom section.

And we also believe collaboration and partnership are key to promoting cultural understanding and a more united world. That's why we strive to work with other cultural scientists and organizations to provide deeper insights into specific cultural topics.

In the end, our goal is to inspire people to not just travel. But experience different cultures.

To see beyond the tourist hotspots.

To discover the soul of a culture.

To understand.

And by doing so, we hope to make the world a little more connected, understanding, and peaceful.

How We Can Help You

Travel Content Creators provides advanced education to help you dive deeper into cultural understanding. Most of our content remains accessible and free for everyone.


We have a newsletter called Teacup of Dao.

Each issue is carefully crafted to offer deep insights from a short read (3-4 minutes). But provides wisdom that lasts a lifetime.

There, we explore ideas like balance, simplicity, acceptance, detachment, interconnectedness, and so much more. Hoping to help you navigate the complexities of modern life effortlessly with calm and ease.

Each issue gives you a unique blend of ancient wisdom and new ideas that will help you look at the world in a different way, make mindful decisions, and cultivate a life of balance and inner peace.

Getting a Teacup of Dao means inviting a moment of reflection and peace into your daily routine.

Online Magazine

Additionally, we have an online magazine that features in-depth articles on:

Each issue is filled with engaging content to inspire you to explore the world beyond surface-level travel. Our goal is to make you feel like you're experiencing different cultures firsthand through our detailed coverage and storytelling.

Get In Touch

Want to talk about some sort of collaboration?

We're open to opportunities like:

  • Podcast/YouTube guesting
  • Sponsorship
  • Advising

Simply reach out to start the conversation.