If You Don’t Trust Others, They Won’t Trust You

Without trust, we limit ourselves and our potential for growth and happiness

When I was 12, I picked up this book for the first time.

18 years later one (very simple) idea from it still influences my life:


It was a sunny summer day. I sat on my room's small windowsill with an open window. I was just relaxing. Listening to the birds. Soaking up the fresh Bavarian air and warm sunlight like a lizard on a rock.

It was a nice day. Nothing out of the ordinary.

But suddenly, I had the urge to look in the corner of my room where my little bookshelf was. It felt almost as if somebody took my head and turned it that way.

There, I spotted the book my father had recently given me. "Daodejing," it said in big letters on the cover, which was a black white photo of a lake with tress.

It was intriguing. This book pulled me towards it like a magnet. So I stood up, went to my bookshelf, took the book, and opened it...